the Monday Snapshot: big boy bed edition

About a week before Christmas, Leopold decided that he was over his crib. My husband had put him down after rocking and reading for a while and went to the bathroom. I was on my computer downstairs. over the monitor, I heard a THUMP, then a pitter patter of tiny feet, and the creak of a door opening. I ran upstairs to see lil man in the hallway. We hoped it was a fluke, put him back in the crib and before  we were out the door, his leg was over the crib and he was about to escape.

CRAP. NOT a fluke.

That night, C converted his crib to a toddler bed. Here is my lil man in his big boy bed:

Leopold in his big boy bed

Leopold in his big boy bed

The next day I bought a gate for his doorway (since he can open doors, too) so we don’t have a wandering baby in the middle of the night. It’s been touch n go with the big boy bed transition. The holidays (a lot of nights away from home) and the flu last week have made the transition more difficult. We turned a corner last Thursday night and have down to a pretty consistent routine at night and last night there was only one wake-up. (last week was a total exhausting shit-show. I can’t tell you how much puke and/or diarrhea I cleaned up. Let alone how messed up our nights were. The worst night I was up with him from 2-5 am. ANYWAY!).

My baby! He’s blowing away these milestones to transition from baby to big kid. He is growing up too fast. As soon as we’ve hit a groove, he changes. Teeth. Other developmental milestones. Ahh. He definitely keeps me on my toes, it’s fun, it’s amazing to watch. (And a little exhausting…)

(PS: cycle update: Started bleeding mid-afternoon today. CD 3 appointment scheduled for Thursday. Please no cysts…cross your fingers for me that all looks good and I get my meds in time)

9 thoughts on “the Monday Snapshot: big boy bed edition

  1. ERMAGERD! This gives me heart palpitations. I am NOT ready to deal with a) climbing or b) toddler bed. So far, it has not occurred to HGB to attempt this and he is too short to reach doorknobs. THANK JEBUS!

    I have everything that can be crossed, crossed for you! And I’m shooting mind bullets at the insurance company to stop being fucktwats.

  2. I can’t get over how much of an explorer Leo is. I have great fears that Raegan is following suit soon. She hasn’t tried to climb out of her crib yet but she’s climbing everything she can get to. And climbing that to get to what she can’t get to without climbing to keep climbing….I’m scared. I’m grateful she’s still crawling for now. Once she starts walking…I think it will all be over for me…

    As far as your cycle goes, I’ve got everything crossed for you…even my eyes, so please excuse my typos…Hoping all goes well!!!

  3. I just cannot believe he’s already in a big boy bed! I feel like my girls are so far from this (and after hearing your experience with a wandering midnight toddler, I am SO glad) 😉 What a little BOY you have!

  4. Fingers crossed for no cysts!

    Last week truly was a shit show for you – I’m so sorry about that! I’m glad things are getting better though! I wonder almost daily how this whole toddler bed thing is going for you! Looks like it’s starting to go well!

  5. Wow! What a big boy in his big boy bed! I’m TERRIFIED of the big kid bed. Isa will be wearing a sleep sack (yes they make them for kids that big – she is 37.5 inches!) until she is 15 if I can help it. Seriously. If it weren’t for sleep sack she’d be in a big kid bed and I’d be losing my ever-loving mind.

    It’s so bitter sweet when they hit these milestones, isn’t it?

    I hope this next treatment cycle is the one. Keeping all appendages crossed.


  6. Eeee can’t be leave L was out exploring from his crib already!! And now onto the big boy bed!!! He sure is growing up and truly looking like a little boy in this photo of him in his new bed. Hope he continues to get more and more used to it… which he will. And sorry about last week… uggg… not fun!! 😦

    Fingers are crossed for this cycle!!!! Excited and hopeful for you!!

  7. I still can’t believe that he’s climbing out already at not much past 1.5! What an explorer!!!

    Yay (right?) for CD1, and I’ll say it with you: no cysties, no cysties, no cysties!!

  8. I hope we are a long ways off before Chloe can climb out of her crib. I’m not ready for the big girl bed yet! She’s nice and confined for now. At least now that the sickness is behind you it sounds like he’s getting the hang of the new routine though. Way to go L!! Hoping and wishing there are no cysts!!

  9. It is utterly astounding that he is climbing out of his crib. Woah. I hope the transition is going well, though you’re tweet from under the toddler this morning indicates that it’s still the breaking-in period. 😉 You deserve a break from all the illness and transition, that’s for sure!

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