17 weeks: moving right along

You guys. 17 WEEKS TODAY.

Holy crap. Things seem to be flying by now that I am feeling better and enjoying the pregnancy. The bump is out in full effect, as is the boobage. ZOMG, they are huge this time.The weight gain is coming again, faster than I’d like, but I just need to concentrate on eating well and I won’t worry about the scale unless my doctor tells me I need to watch it. I have started to feel flutters and light kicks in the evening, usually when I’m laying in bed and that’s the best reassurance in the world.

I actually did the unfathomable yesterday, I announced on face.book. This is something I’m always crazy paranoid about. I don’t want to tell the whole world and have things go wrong, I don’t want an announcement to ruin someone’s day, etc. But, it was time. Yesterday, I posted this photo and caption on my timeline:

Luke's first Cubs game today! and probably the only one for a while since our family will be expanding in October.

Luke’s first Cubs game today! and probably the only one for a while since our family will be expanding in October… 🙂

I had two appointments last week. I went to my regular OB for a normal exam on Monday, all is good. On Wednesday, I had an appointment with another OB suggested by my neighbor who is a labor & delivery nurse as the best VBAC doc who delivers there. I am still not 100% decided on who I’m going with, but I am leaning towards the new doctor. 

Pros about new doc:

  • Very experienced, comfortable, and passionate about VBACs (he’s done 7 in the last week alone and two VBACs for his wife)
  • Comfortable using some induction techniques if necessary for VBAC (foley balloon, some Pit)
  • Spent a lot of time with me discussing my “labor” with Leopold, my chances at a VBAC, etc
  • Will let me go to 41 weeks at least, we can discuss further if we get there. (I was hoping for 42 weeks, but listing this as a pro since it’s further than my original OB will let me go)


  • Made this horrible, awful face when I said this pregnancy was conceived via IVF (he has kind of a quirky, opinionated personality that was fine for the most part, but this bit was not cool)
  • Not sure if my hypothyroidism condition will be managed as well (my old OB was definitely on top on this)
  • Not as comfortable yet with the practice (this is just a what I’m used to thing)

I’m definitely leaning towards the new doctor. I need to check on a few major things (check with insurance he’s covered, talk to my husband about it again, etc), but in general it seems like I will have so much more support from this doctor than my old OB (who basically said she would be very surprised if I wasn’t a repeat c-section).

I’m also really hoping to get a doula for the birth. I think it will greatly improve the experience however it ends up going and perhaps even help me avoid a repeat Cesarean section. I’ve emailed around 7 doulas and I have a few good options I think who I’ll meet face to face with in the next month or so. I still need to convince Carlos that this is a worthy expense – the going rate is about $650 around here, which is a pretty penny but could be so worth it for a less traumatic – and dare I say healing – birth experience.

I’m dipping my toes into this. My SIL is sending up her hypnobabies set and I ordered a VBAC CD to go with it. I really want to dream and believe that I can have a natural VBAC in the hospital, but I’m petrified of getting my hopes up. We will see how this develops over time and how I can build confidence in my body. Hopefully, I’ll get there.

And…one week til we leave for Orlando and two weeks from today Leopold turns two. Time is flying all around. Alright, I’m tired, time for bed. Hope to catch up on reading and commenting soon, sorry I’ve been MIA.

8 thoughts on “17 weeks: moving right along

  1. Sounds like things are going well! I’ve been amazed at how quickly the second pregnancy goes. I’m glad you’re able to enjoy it!

    Have fun in Orlando! I miss it so much already!

  2. Yay! I saw your announcement on FB this weekend and it inspired me to put up my own. It should be up by the time you read this comment… (unless you stay up really late 😉

    So glad all is going well. I’m just so thrilled for you and your pregnancy.

  3. WOW! 17 weeks is wonderful!!! Your picture is beautiful and I’m glad that you made it even more official! 😉

    Good luck with the doctor hunt. I have no insight there, but you DO sound quite at peace in general.

  4. I love how you announced on FB! Wonderful news that you are feeling good, and feeling flutters (yay!) and have started searching for doctors and doulas to help you have the perfect birth experience. Have fun with all you have coming up in the next few weeks!

  5. I love that pic of your family SO SO much. Perfect way to announce. 🙂

    The new doc sounds pretty awesome! I can’t believe you’re almost half way there already. Phew!

  6. Pingback: Doctor drama, or, VBACing it | Mellow in the Midwest

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