The Monday snapshot: POAS edition

I decided that at nearly nine weeks pregnant, I really wanted to see those two beautiful lines on a pee stick with my very own eyes. Only an infertile would POAS just shy of 9w0d pregnant after three blood tests and three ultrasounds have confirmed the pregnancy.

It still gave me a huge thrill to see them, those two distinct without a doubt I am actually pregnant lines.


Ultrasound on Thursday afternoon with my OB. Cannot. Wait. I need a peek for confirmation that all is well.

8 thoughts on “The Monday snapshot: POAS edition

  1. I’ve actually thought about going to buy a digital so I can see the word PREGNANT. But when I took one with Raegan, it came up NOT PREGNANT….so I’m holding out…..The draw of those 2 lines is amazing and so relieving….totally worth it!!

  2. I wish I would have done that when I was pregnant with my daughter. I have been pregnant twice but have never seen two pink lines because I never bothered to pee on a stick. I’m glad you have this picture. Can’t help but smile looking at it.

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